- I’ve had periods where I wake up in the morning and already have a feeling that today is going to be an awful day.
- My mood feels off or flatevery day.
- I feel sluggish and tired all the time…I just can’t seem to get motivated.
- I never feel social anymore…it feels like I never talk to any of my friends or anyone at work anymore.
- Everyone seems to be mad at me for some reason…every day feels like a bad day.
Have you recently stopped taking your antidepressants because you feel any of the same things seen up above?
Research has found that 33% of patients who are on antidepressants find themselves dissatisfied with their medication. Because of this, many patients stop taking their antidepressants. However, they may not be fully aware of the dangers this poses to their health. Depression being left untreated deteriorates your treatment plan, effectively making depressive episodes longer. Stopping use of your medication can also make other medical conditions you might have worse—like thyroid conditions or chronic pain. Stopping use of your antidepressant is not the answer. Instead, look at a range of alternative options for treatment of your depression. You can help your depression; you have the power. If you or a loved one is experiencing any symptoms of depression, reach out to the Institute for Advanced Medical Research at 770-817-9200for more information.